News from Annual General Meeting

Friday, 20th May 2022 at the Clubrooms at 6.30pm

Election results from the Annual General Meeting: the following members were elected


PresidentMark Coogan0418 748 157 |
Vice PresidentVACANT
SecretaryKevin Alexander0408 571 079 |
TreasurerWendy Gaunt0409 002 709 |
Committee – SponsorshipVACANT
Committee – GovernanceClinton Miles0419 682 826 |
Committee – CommunicationsIan Thatcher0417 228 640 |
Committee – WomenVACANT
Committee – Special ProjectsRodney Gaunt0413 228
CommitteeBradley Browne0410 793 571
CommitteeShawn Hunter0434 539 045
CommitteeBec Robertson0408 384 847
CommitteeTay O’Keefe0401 178 686
CommitteeBradley Matheson0431 627 020
CommitteeSagree Govender0450 322 572
CommitteeEuan Miles04519 686 793

Special General Meeting

Members attending the Special General Meeting agreed to the following change

  • the Club Financial year from end date of the association’s financial year to be 30 June in each year

60 Year Anniversary Training Shirt



Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Western Districts Baseball Club’s creation – we are marking the occasion with the release of this Western Districts Baseball Club 60th Year Anniversary Training Shirt.

These 60 Year Anniversary Training Shirts are available in Adult and Youth sizes.  This is the first time we’ve made this design available in Adult sizes – normally a similar design is reserved just for our Rookie Ballers.

Each shirt is $45.

The 60th Anniversary marks the 1961 merger of Souths Baseball Club and Victory Baseball Club, together creating Victory Souths Baseball Club.

In 1970 the club changed its name to Western Districts Baseball Club and adopted the Curly “W” that we still use today, the “W” appears on the chest of these shirts.

The current Wests Baseball Logo is on the left sleeve and back.

Featured prominently on the back, the “Celebrating 60 Years” logo is unmistakable.

Blackchrome, our club’s uniform partner has manufactured these training shirts and stock has arrived and is available now. Shirts can be collected from the clubrooms by emailing Wendy Gaunt –

Postage will be available separately on request and at an additional cost.

Again first in will get the shirts – these are not a limited sale and we have around 85 shirts in stock of varying sizes.