Western Districts Baseball Club will be hosting overseas baseball players again this 2023/2024 summer baseball season.
The Club is seeking host families for at least two players.
Host families will be responsible for accommodating a player for all or part of the season. The host family will provide meals while the player is with the host family. The Club will provide some funds to assist with cost of meals.
The Club will provide each player with the use of a car while they are in Brisbane.
This is a unique experience in being able to have an overseas player from another country stay with you so you and your family can experience the richness of another country and culture.
If you can assist the Club – please email Club Secretary – Kevin Alexander – Secretary@WestsBaseball.com.au
Thanks to Andrew Glendinning, father of Little League player – Carter – and his Building Company – Custom Constructions.
Andrew and his staff are building the walkway around the Amenities block and this project should be finished by end April 2023.
The Club wishes to sincerely thank Andrew for completing this project.
Once completed, the walkway will extend around the Amenities block with access via stairs or a walkway. This will provide male and female toilets and changerooms with a shower in each room, a separate disabled toilet and a change room for the umpires.
The Committee would like to recommend Andrew and his services to all members for any projects around your home.
From the company facebook page -“Queensland! Where outdoor living can be enjoyed all year round! If you have been thinking about a new outdoor space or revamping your current space give us a shout. We would love to create something just for you!”
Well over 100 players; friends and families; Life Members; Alumni Members and players from the Redlands Baseball Club had a fantastic day at Wests celebrating our fabulous Club’s 60th anniversary
We were honoured to have State MP – Jess Pugh formally open our Batting cage. And we were honoured with our local Councillor – Sarah Hutton attend and support the day.
The Bassingthwaighte family also honoured our Club with their attendance to help us celebrate the life of Life Member – Tim Bassingthwaighte – who quietly passed away in August 2021. A plaque in honour of Tim was unveiled by son Russell Bassingthwaighte together with the fabulous organiser for the day – Wendy Alexander.
A huge thank you to Kevin and Wendy Alexander and the myriad of volunteers that made the day such a success. Special mention to Rae Stone for her wonderful work selling raffle tickets.
Thanks to past player – Brett McDonald of BGM Images – Ph. 07 3375 7927 – for the following images.
The accessory every member needs… a Wests Bulldogs Stubby Cooler!
Grab 1, Grab 2, Grab some for everyone in your family. Represent the Bulldogs with pride wherever you enjoy a cold beverage.
Purchase online here or from the Canteen while stocks last.
Made from 5mm neoprene to fit 375ml cans, it features a full colour sublimated print of our Wests logos.
In partnership with a Grant from Brisbane City Council through the Lord Mayor’s Better Suburbs Grants program and working with consultants – CPR Group – the Committee is proud to release our new Strategic Plan for the Club for the next three years 2022 – 2024
You can view the document by clicking on the following link – wests.link/strategy
Alternatively you can view the document and one page poster by clicking on the following ABOUT US button
John Hinterreiter, John Zietek and Kenny McGuire – just a bit older!